Our Mission

Did you know?!
"At ANUVO's Education Support Center, each ANUVO Learning Experience includes a minimum of 2 hours of instruction!"
The ANUVO Learning Experience always includes 1 hour of individualized support! We believe that 1 on 1 support, is one of the most effective approaches to overcoming challenging concepts. By using the information we gathered during on-boarding, our passionate and caring team of experienced educators will customize an ANUVO Learning Experience for each learner.
The second hour of the ANUVO Learning Experience always includes Multi-modal* & Group Learning: Note: AT ANUVO the maximum educator to learner ratio is 1:3 (i.e. 1 educator to 3 learners).
The hour is broken up as follows:
15 min Tactile/Kinesthetic Mode learning
15 min Auditory Mode Learning
15 min Visual Mode Learning
15 min Group Learning Session
*Multi modal learning is a teaching instruction style that integrates multiple approaches to learning by using different modalities (i.e. "modes of learning").
To learn more: Check out our BLOG Post on Multi-modal learning!
ANUVO Education Support Center Learning Experience Bundles
ANUVO Learning Experience
ANUVO Learning System Hourly Rate (All-Inclusive)
$94.97 +HST
$66.45 +HST